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Donald Trump is now the 45th President of the United States of America target of impeachment.!!!
After less than six month in office and already the Republicans and Democrats in Congress are pushing his impeachment. Why very simple in my opinion, he is not a Washington insider and they are afraid of losing their jobs, pay checks, pensions, healthcare, especially the Republicans.!!!
One big reason the Republicans may lose their jobs is because the are not working to support what Trump is trying to get done and was the reason he was elected. It is no secret why they are not supporting him is because they are afraid to stand their ground. I believe those Americans who are standing behind Trump will make their voices heard one way or the other with their vote for their Senators or Representatives. In my previous comments on Topic of Importance I wrote the following, and notice I also mentioned politicians.!!
Ok that is fine to protest, but look at what is happening, “riots” not protests.
My thinking is (and i may be wrong) many of the protesters were paid and bought for and the left is doing nothing to condemn this crazy uncalled for actions. We have burning of buildings, burning of cars and may i add burning of police cars also. There is nudity and profanity and trashing the streets that ends up being taxpayers expense. If what they want is their fifteen minutes of fame then do it in a way that is not destructive. Notice there are actors and singers and even politicians acting worse than children that are out of control.
Now we have investigations going on with the left and right elected officials already talking about VP Pence as the President. Well guess what I have news for those in office and for those who at hoping to find out something that Trump did that was illegal and will be impeached. The news is this investigation could take years to complete.!!!!
My way of putting this is simple we Americans are sick and tired of Congress getting nothing done except act like a bunch of over paid infighting idiots that are NOT representing the American people but only their own interests. The best thing Trump can do is go on with his business and meet with other countries leaders and create a good relationship with the Us and countries that will again respect the US as we were at one time.
Trump should continue to fight for what he campaigned for and do everything possible to act as the President of the United States of America.!!!!
I am keeping this short, as I know there will be a great deal of people who will have their own opinions. This is important for those who have a different opinion as it shows we are thinking. I know many of you will tell me what you think and I respect your opinion.
Whatever your opinion is please email me or post a blog on the blog site on this website or even on Twitter. LinkedIn, or Facebook.
Thank You
Neil Douglas American Truth Finders
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