Carnicom Institute is seeking a modern infrared spectrometer to be immediately used in the Environmental Filament Project and other important projects.
Infrared spectrometry is a fundamental technology to any biochemistry laboratory. While great strides in knowledge have been gained from our existing equipment and methods, the Institute and the public will benefit greatly from a modern version of this most fundamental instrument.
The function of an infrared spectrometer is to identify and assess the primary organic constituents of any material or substance. This would mean that we will be able to more accurately evaluate the numerous environmental samples that have already been received.
With this instrument, data on scores of samples can be collected and stored much more rapidly than under our existing limitations. When the environmental filament project is ready to begin, detailed instructions on how to collect and send samples will be available. CI is not ready to receive and analyze samples until we get the MRP up and running.
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The current IR instrument at the Institute is 30-year-old technology devoid of present-day computer advances. A newer instrument would dramatically improve capabilities of sensitivity and resolution, speed, data recording and storage, digital plotting, reference database access and search operations, cost and simplicity of sample preparation, as well as availability of servicing and parts.
The cost of a new and basic instrument is $12K-15K. As of this date, Carnicom Institute has raised approximately $6,000.
We need an additional $6K-8K.
Please donate at the donation page on the Carnicom Institute website